Lancashire League Handbook 2015

180 ClubHistory Parts 1 and 2 Complete statistics of East Lancs’Lancashire League history Compiled by Eric GreenwoodM.A. price £5 including postage Cricket Records 1892-1999 £5, History parts 1 and 2 £15 plus £3 postage fromEric Greenwood 01254 202460 RAMSBOTTOM RamsbottomCricket Club Sesquicentenary Celebration Published in 1995 Price £4.00 including postage from the club orMaurice Haslam01706 821538 TODMORDEN ClothCaps and Cricket Crazy Todmorden and Cricket 1835-1896 In a league of their own. Cricket and leisure in 20th centuryTodmorden. Hardback £10.00, paperback £5.00 (plus postage) Both books by Freda, Brian andMalcolmHeywood Available from local book shops or: Upper Calder Valley Publications 7 StileMoor Rise Todmorden OL14 5NS Tel 01706 815939 Email: