Normanby Park Works First XI Scoresheets 2002

P~e:r'\lt:.l SCUNTHORPE EVCENING TELEGRAPH < I~ PRINTALLNAM NBLOCKCAPITALS 22 -- . z Official Score Sheet Date: ,.,l;J .J v '" <-= C> ' Home Team: d f \ /v\. .S Js Y ~ ;,,,./ N· Away Team: ~fl- /v! /-lN b Y /A~ V- A/e::,f(.K~ ---------------------------------- ' ------------ Team Batting First: 6 /{/M<b bf -fr:1 w rf Team Batting Second: rJ . P, tJo R /I(~ ~-~~ _____ 1 1 ::C ' /-I A L L~M. 0-, f C>~Y1t. /l r:,g.J- c_ /,\ 6 1 J'.'.I . CDc t<. ,-.10-r a-,u---r £05 2 t- . S-ft:V~r-!S '»-H. B /Z A'/ FA,eh.,7..l 3 6 2 P. Cool-<. C.<j --f"110M/f-o,1,J --(1 t. t... I So,v ID 3 tl. ~AAl--ff--io/tf> 13,:)1-,1(.t:D h rJc.f--{ I 3 tJ, f>A!Zrv ,ks l- 13 'i-J Dt!NN ( 5 6 4 b . Uf\r .s wo~ ·tf--1 ~N'1c.Hot.Sorv f1N C i-1 :Z2 4 N- fc,l<'!:J1Gtf. t.. t3 hi ---r/l .... t_ / 50N 37 5 -M,-. b£,./.,.J/S t3owL~fJ rA££ET-L 52.. 5 p FAR. i<J~LL t--1 CJ -r a--v---r- J 't) 6 A J-{A~v '( /3ow L c;J) M. /3~A ( 5 6 7 ::f t1. ( l. [..ff. ft. ~?\ - Caot-<.. ft_. /3,<4'/ I 7 8 Ji . - 1;10, ("I. r Sc, f\f Bowt..ED -- { FAtl../;,.e.-Z.L J..1 8 9 --~ - -(AV l..e./2. sYf<. .. /3 I<. /J. y FCJ /4 .Sie R IJ 9 10 ~ /3Loc.KUH r-lo-r ou-r s 10 11 f --(rc..L I SorJ c;:f f(. 131?.11 y rAIU< tiLL 0 11 Extras 1.3 _ Points Awarded : l~ w' K""t':i) Extras / Points Awarded: fl t:.L.... cru-c Total I~ :5 Bowling Analysis ___ ___!,,,....::::.~~~~- Total / 'b 7. Team Fielding First: Team Fielding Second: OVRS MONS RUNS WKTS OVRS MONS RUNS WKTS 1 M - -::fAc r,,<.Sc,,..,f /~ :5 '3i ,.., 1 S. -r'A'/Lo/J-... lo 2... lf-7 - 2 M. p-/ nf e,., I-{ /2 2 t-fo ~ 2 -:L (1> L.. 6 c K. LE=. /VI. q 2.... 31,f' - 3 f, FAf?.lctiLL. 12-~ 2 35 /+- 3 f . -----f' I L, /.... I S o/V i 5' -~ J..-1, t+-o 2- 4 f'1 . /!:,t<,AY 7 - ~o :z... 4 -:f. /1 t/... t..£~ b - 3~ ./ 5 ,J' ,- I _,,, · t-o/!..~-;c~ ;2J - I 1-f I 5 /1 . J>!:.Nr-115 :..t - ;7-/ I 6 6 7 7 14. Coo I,( Wicket Keeper: ____________________ Fielder of Match:___________________ Fielder of Match: ___________________ Signature of Opposing Captain : ______________ Signature of Opposing Captain: ______________ Game Commenced at: _______________ Umpires Signatures: 1: _____________ 2: ------------ . . Time 1st Time 2nd Time Reason for late start (1f applicable)__________ Innings __________ Innings __________ Game _________ Finished Finished Ended TOTAL AT FALL OF EACH WICKET & NO. OF OUTGOING BATSMAN TOTAL AT FALL OF EACH WICKET & NO. OF OUTGOING BATSMAN 1 FOR 2 FOR 3 FOR 4 FOR 5 FOR 6 FOR ?FOR 8 FOR 9 FOR ALL OUT 1 FOR 2 FOR 3FOR 4FOR 5FOR 6 FOR 7 FOR 8 FOR 9 FOR ALL OUT INIT IALS OF ALL PLAYERS MUST BE INCLUDED Remember: NO BALLS AND WIDES COUNT AGAINST THE BOWLER COMMENTS ON UMPIRES This section must be filled in before Umpires sign sheet. Date: ....... . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . ..... . . .. • . ....... Match: Umpire No. 1: Name: ....... . .. . ...... . .. . .. ... . . .. ... . . .. ... . Umpire No. 2: Name .. . .. . . . .. .. . ...... . ... .. ... . .. . . . .. . . ... . Ground Report: by Captains and/or Umpires (1) Wicket: (2) Outfield: