Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2012

41 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Our principal guest at our 10th Annual Dinner, held on 1st April 1970 was one of cricket’s finest all-rounders, Wilfred Rhodes who, at the age of 93, accompanied by his daughter, made the long journey to Sheffield from Dorset. His career record is unequalled, scoring just short of 40,000 runs and taking over 4000 wickets. I can remember well, him speaking at the dinner, you could have heard the proverbial pin drop, such was the esteem in which this great man was held. To mark the occasion Mr. Rhodes was presented with an illuminated scroll, which is reproduced on the following page. Towards the end of this last season, members of the Rhodes family were guests of the Yorkshire County Cricket Club, and to my surprise the scroll was handed back to our Society for our safe keeping. David Drabble. A Cricketing Legend Wilfred Rhodes,