Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2012
5 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society I am delighted to welcome you to our latest edition of the Year Book, we hope that it will serve as a reminder of yet another successful season for Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society. Once again we have enjoyed a varied and interesting programme of meetings and the level of support by our members has been most encouraging. I am sure that you will all join me in thanking David Drabble for his hard work in organising our programme. We were all disappointed that Yorkshire CCC failed to maintain their early promise and were unable to avoid relegation to Division 2. We look forward to an early return to the top flight. Meanwhile, as true cricket lovers’ we must congratulate Lancashire on winning the Championship Trophy. Strange that after so many barren years they managed to win during a season when all their home games were played away from Old Trafford! Maybe there is some message in that! Perhaps the Headingly hierarchy could have a rethink on outgrounds? We have also enjoyed a season in which our National side has performed well and established themselves at the top of the rankings. Let us all hope that we continue in that vein and we wish Andrew Strauss and his squad all the very best for 2012. Once again our thanks to Dorothy Betts for Editing the Year Book, to Abbeydale Sports Club for the use of the facilities and to all our members for their continuing support. Bev Stokes Chairman’s Introduction Est. 1973 I TALIAN AND P IEMONTESE C UISINE Open Monday to Saturday Dinner 7.00pm RECOMMENDED BY THE WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE SPECIALIST IMPORTER OF FRESH WHITE TRUFFLE 33 QUEEN STREET • SCARBOROUGH • N. YORKS Telephone/Fax: (01723) 363616 RISTORANTE ITALIANO Award ROME 1997-8 WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE WINNER - Of the ITALIAN RISTORANTE of the YEAR 1999 Pizza, Pasta and ITALIAN FOOD INDUSTRY OFFICIAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT AWARD Supported by the ITALIAN DEPARTMENT of Agriculture and FOOD RESOURCES and ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DELLA CUCINA WINNER of ZAPPINO D’ARGENTO’ for the best white truffle Moncalvo, Italy November 1999 Traditional Italian Restaurant Specialising in Fresh White Truffles, Local Fresh Fish, Seasonal Produce Proprietors: Mr & Mrs G. ALESSIO
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