Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2013
5 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Welcome to the latest edition of our Year Book. Once again I am delighted to report that we have had a most enjoyable and high class series of meetings to keep our interest in cricket going throughout the winter. Hopefully our investment in a sound system and projector will have enhanced the meetings for members. These were funded from a legacy left to the Society by the late Norah Allan which the Society were delighted to receive. We are delighted to offer our sincere congratulations to Derbyshire CCC on becoming 2nd Division Champions, and to Yorkshire CCC who will accompany them back to the First Division. Promotion thoroughly deserved by both Counties. A grateful thanks to Dorothy Betts for editing this Year Book and our thanks to all who have contributed to its pages including of course, our advertisers without whose support the publication would not be possible. David Tunbridge, our long standing Assistant Secretary, has indicated his intention to step down from that role at the next AGM. Thank you David for your many years in the role and your significant contribution to the Society. Once again I am appealing to members to consider joining the committee with a view to undertaking the role. It is essential that we have an understudy to David Drabble if we hope to see the Society continue and prosper into the future. Please let me know if you think you can help. Once again a big thank you to David Drabble for his indefatigable work on behalf of the Society, and thanks also to Abbeydale Sports Club for the use of their facilities. Bev Stokes Chairman’s Introduction Est. 1973 I TALIAN AND P IEMONTESE C UISINE Open Monday to Saturday Dinner 7.00pm RECOMMENDED BY THE WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE SPECIALIST IMPORTER OF FRESH WHITE TRUFFLE 33 QUEEN STREET • SCARBOROUGH • N. YORKS Telephone/Fax: (01723) 363616 RISTORANTE ITALIANO Award ROME 1997-8 WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE WINNER - Of the ITALIAN RISTORANTE of the YEAR 1999 Pizza, Pasta and ITALIAN FOOD INDUSTRY OFFICIAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT AWARD Supported by the ITALIAN DEPARTMENT of Agriculture and FOOD RESOURCES and ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DELLA CUCINA WINNER of ZAPPINO D’ARGENTO’ for the best white truffle Moncalvo, Italy November 1999 Traditional Italian Restaurant Specialising in Fresh White Truffles, Local Fresh Fish, Seasonal Produce Proprietors: Mr & Mrs G. ALESSIO
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