Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Year Book 2014

27 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society dedication of Colin Graves, in his role as Chairman. Charles happily answered members’ questions with honesty and clarity. In the second half of the evening former Yorkshire batsman Matthew Wood spoke to us. Matthew played 136 First Class matches for Yorkshire starring in the County Championship winning side in 2001. He was on the fringe of the England squad featuring in two tours down under with the England Academy. He had a good season in 2003 for the County but described his next few years as ‘a bit up and down’ and eventually left for a brief spell with Glamorgan. He decided to retire in 2009 and after some serious study joined the PCA as a Players’ Counsellor. Without breaching any confidences Matthew told us of some of his work with players and he demonstrated to us all his total commitment to his job. We wished him well for the future. Monday 22nd April The 53rd Annual Dinner held at the Omega, and presided over by Vice Chair Peter Mason, proved yet again to be a memorable evening. The good food was followed by an entertaining talk by former England Captain Alec Stewart OBE, who gave an interesting insight into his career, his views on modern day cricket and his hopes for the future of the game. David Kendall then entertained all with his excellent form of wit. The evening closed with all thanking the two David’s, Drabble and Baldwin for organising and presenting a remarkable evening yet again. The Indoor Season... ...continued In order to ensure the longevity and future of the Society we are actively looking for new and younger members. Please remember to invite guests along to our meetings and encourage them to join. Guest Invitation Cards, as above, are available from Secretary, David Drabble E-mails to the 65 members who have given us their e-mail address and an announcement on Radio Sheffield proved successful when the weather proved difficult. Please let Bev Stokes have your email if you haven’t already. Thank you