Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Year Book 2014

5 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Welcome to another edition of our Year Book. It has been a good year for Cricket and Cricket Lovers’. A good performance from our England team, nearly there for Yorkshire and some very promising young players emerging giving great hopes for the future. Once again our industrious Secretary, David Drabble managed to put together a very varied and interesting programme. Attendances at our meetings remain at a pleasantly high level and it is often a real thrill for me when visiting speakers remark on the intense interest shown to them during their presentations. Many thanks David, keep up the good work. I would like to place on record our sincere thanks to Roger Scholey and Andy Jordan who have respectively taken on the roles of Assistant Secretary and Society Treasurer; to Malcolm Paterson who now looks after our new Projector and Sound Equipment and Dorothy Betts for taking on the role and producing this Year Book. Our thanks again to Abbeydale Sports Club for the use of the facilities and a very special thank you to all our members who so strongly support the Society. Our best wishes to you all for a Happy and Prosperous 2014 with good weather and great Cricket to look forward to. Bev Stokes Chairman’s Introduction Est. 1973 I TALIAN AND P IEMONTESE C UISINE Open Monday to Saturday Dinner 7.00pm RECOMMENDED BY THE WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE SPECIALIST IMPORTER OF FRESH WHITE TRUFFLE 33 QUEEN STREET • SCARBOROUGH • N. YORKS Telephone/Fax: (01723) 363616 RISTORANTE ITALIANO Award ROME 1997-8 WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE WINNER - Of the ITALIAN RISTORANTE of the YEAR 1999 Pizza, Pasta and ITALIAN FOOD INDUSTRY OFFICIAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT AWARD Supported by the ITALIAN DEPARTMENT of Agriculture and FOOD RESOURCES and ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DELLA CUCINA WINNER of ZAPPINO D’ARGENTO’ for the best white truffle Moncalvo, Italy November 1999 Traditional Italian Restaurant Specialising in Fresh White Truffles, Local Fresh Fish, Seasonal Produce Proprietors: Mr & Mrs G. ALESSIO