Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2015

13 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Thursday 20th February Some 90 members and guests enjoyed a pea and pie supper prior to being entertained by Elite Umpire, Richard Kettleborough. Richard, who had only just returned that day from Bangladesh . gave us a thorough insight into the life of a full time International Umpire. He was particularly thrilled to have been awarded by the ICC., the David Shephard Trophy as Elite Umpire of the Year 2013. He went on to entertain us with interesting descriptions of his colleagues on the Elite list of Umpires and it was a great delight to learn that they are all totally dedicated to their role and worked hard to ensure that their contribution to a successful game of cricket was quiet and unassuming. As Richard put it “spectators go to watch the players, not the Umpires”. We were delighted to present Richard with the Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Ambassador of the Year award 22nd February The Yorkshire Film Archive is a registered Charity which exists to collect, preserve, and make available to the public moving images made in and around the region. Graham Relton, the Manager of the Yorkshire Film Archive brought with him a fascinating collection of archived film which he has carefully compiled to make a most interesting evening for us, We saw film of Queen Victoria visiting Sheffield in 1897, Troops marching through Sheffield on their way to war in 1914, swimmers taking to the waters in midwinter at Millhouses’ Lido, and countless other clips including some footage of personal film donated by Ray Illingworth. Possibly the highlight of the evening was a film of players setting up the old game of ‘Knurr & Spell’. The game originated in Yorkshire, the knurr is a small round ball similar to a golf ball, it is set on a spring loaded devise -the spell. The player holds a flat ended stick with which he trips the spell which ejects the knurr upwards to be struck by the player with the flat end of the trip stick. The winner being the one who hits the knurr the furthest distance. Set up time - half an hour, playing time 10 seconds!! A very interesting evening, never heard so much laughter in a Cricket Society Meeting . Should anyone have any old film the YFA would be delighted to accept it for consideration for their Archive. Wednesday 26th February A great pleasure to welcome Mike Newell, Director of Cricket, Nottinghamshire CCC. Mike played for Notts from 1984 to 1992 appearing in over 100 First Class games and 40 List A games. His batting average was over 30 in both forms of the game, In 1992 he was appointed 2nd XI Manager and Captain and subsequently promoted to First XI coach in 2002. He led the Club to Championship titles in 2005 and 2010. and during his time has seen the Club produce England players. Mike has coached England Under 19 squad and the England Lions and he told us that he was interested in the Bangladesh Coaching role which was vacated by Stuart Law. This was a most interesting evening with a man totally frank and informative. As postscript it was interesting to learn that Mike subsequently applied for the England post and must have impressed because he has recently been appointed an England Selector. Continued on page 16