Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

16 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society twitter: @scloverssociety The Indoor Season... ...continued from page 7 the opportunity to hear how he went about researching the events although he was somewhat disappointed not to have been able to trace Felix Menzel. A splendid evening and as a footnote ‘Field of Shadows’ is a fascinating read. Monday 10th November 2014 Another Yorkshireman, Author and Journalist, Brian Halford was our guest this evening. Brian, former cricket correspondent for the Birmingham Post and Coventry Telegraph has reported on Warwickshire Cricket Club for a number of years but has also recently completed a book entitled ‘The Real Jeeves’ the story of Percy Jeeves who was a splendid all round cricketer, born in Yorkshire. Percy moved to Goole and played for Goole Cricket Club prior to being invited to turn professional at Hawes Cricket Club in North Yorkshire. In 1910 he had a trial with Yorkshire but was not offered a contract. He joined Warwickshire in 1912 where he played nearly 50 first Class matches as an all rounder scoring1200 runs at 16.5 and 199 wickets at an average of 20.3. In 1914 Percy was selected to play for the Players against the Gentlemen helping his side to victory and receiving very strong compliments from Plum Warner who stated that Percy had a fine future. Sadly that did not prove to be the case. At the outbreak of the First World War, Percy joined the Royal Warwickshire Regiment and on 22nd July1916 was killed in action during the Battle of the Somme near Montauban. P G Wodehouse, the Creator of Bertie Wooster and his valet Jeeves is said to have decided on the name Jeeves after watching Percy play cricket at Hawes whilst on holiday. We now know ‘The Real Jeeves’. This was an excellent presentation by Brian Halford and most fitting for it to take place during Armistice week. Wednesday 19th November 2014 What a super evening our Autumn Dinner proved to be. The theme for the evening was to pay tribute to Lord’s Cricket Ground in its bicentennial year. Our guests for the evening were David Morgan OBE, President of the MCC. Derek Brewer, Chief Executive of the MCC, and former Sussex Captain and a Past President of the MCC John Barclay OBE. Following a superb meal Richard Barber OBE produced for us once again a truly erudite and entertaining toast culminating “ A toast to the MCC and Lord’s Cricket Ground”. Responses came from Derek Brewer who brought us up to date on the plans for Lord’s already being progressed and information on future developments. Derek passed the microphone to David Morgan, recently installed as President of the MCC . David thanked the Society for hosting the evening . He was especially pleased to be in Yorkshire to help us all celebrate the Yorkshire Victory in the 2014 season and looked forward to our further success. David then introduced former Sussex Captain and ex President of the MCC, John Barclay, promising us some excellent entertainment. How right he was, John kept us highly amused with some of his cricketing experiences and proved to be a very entertaining speaker. Continued on page 24