Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

19 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society But without the players and their skills we would not have a game and they deserve more understanding than I sometimes give them. 4: Food Sorry if this appears to be flippant but it isn’t to me. How can I not mention the Ladies Pavilion at Worcester? There is a growing number of the younger generation who for political and social backgrounds get very hot under the collar about cricket and its relationship to food - believing it to be twee. However like it or not cricket is centred around the two main intervals of the day, Lunch and Tea. I sometimes hear umpires whisper “can’t take lunch early the kitchen isn’t ready to serve”. Then the frowned expression of the chef on hearing nine wickets down and the umpires think they can get a result - so on with the hot plates. For fear of upsetting anyone I will not say where I think the best food is to be found. What I will say is it is very hard to keep the waist from bulging during the summer months. There is something rather pleasant to think that cricketers at one time were at their slimmest and most fit in the off season when the full English breakfasts, three course lunches and cream teas were not available. 5: Test Match Special The beauty of the programme is many fold. What I would say is, unlike no other medium radio can and does transport you to another place - a place you would rather be. For example many of us will never forget being under the bed clothes, no central heating with a hot water bottle which by 2am was now luke warm at best, TMS would fly you to where the sun was shining and the world was ideal. The current correspondent, Jonathan Agnew is a gem of a broadcaster. Even accounting for a subjective judgement he is one of the most naturally gifted communicators I have ever heard. He has great timing and is full of fun. As good as Jonathan is it’s Vic Marks who best sums up the programme for me. His knowledge, humour, warmth and generosity is TMS. If Vic is on you know it’s going to be a good listen. 6: The County Championship is by far my favourite competition. I get some criticism for not speaking up for it more, especially during the debate over whether or not to reduce the number of games played. Simply my job is to remain impartial over all issues making sure all arguments for and against are addressed. Personally I would be the happiest if every week from April until September there was a championship match. It is no exaggeration to say that barely a session goes by without some of sports dearest attributes being seen - that is surprise and a wow factor. Whether it’s a bowler running through a side with superb catches to back it up or a batting pair which change the direction of a game in two or three hours. Without constant TV analysis the game is always about the players and what they are doing. Umpires of course make mistakes and the players and coaches might be upset, but those mistakes don’t become the story in Championship cricket and how the game is the richer for it. I leave the rights and wrongs of 18 counties and how it best prepares players for international cricket to others. For me the County Championship is thrilling to its core. More and more people are coming up to me saying how they are feeling more involved with the Sports Extra service which is lovely to hear. I’ve always held a view that what people needed was a means to follow the game from their workplace or home which allowed them to go and watch the odd day live, fully engaged in the players involved and the teams. 7: T20 Mascot race Everything about the T20 finals day is amazing. First and foremost how on earth does the day work? It is so long from 10.30 in the morning till sometimes beyond 9 at night and yet I leave every time thinking that was great. The mascot race belongs to David Lloyd of Sky but for the first few years I was also racing around like a mad man trying to keep up and wondering how many of the mascot’s true identity did I know. I’ve given ECB officials harder interviews over alleged cheating during the mascot race than I have players after the games proper. The last ball finish in Southampton between Hampshire and Somerset will be the best final I’ve seen. Absolute chaos. Having made it clear the four day game is my favourite the T20 has a place in the schedule and finals day is a time to party. LADIES PAVILION - Located next to The Chestnut Marquee, the Ladies Pavilion is open for tea & cakes during the first three days of the LV=County Championship matches and the Royal London One-Day Cup matches.