Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

3 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Founded 1960 President: Sir Michael Parkinson C.B.E. Vice Presidents: D.B. Carr O.B.E.; H.B. Stokes; L. Cox; P. Eagar; D.K. Lillee M.B.E.; Dr. N.H. Patel; T.G. Pearson; Sir Tim Rice; D.W. Tunbridge Chairman: H. B. Stokes Tel: 0114 236 9584 Vice Chairman: Peter Mason Honorary Secretary: David Drabble ‘Owzat’, 1 Ravensdale Road, Dronfield Woodhouse, Dronfield S18 8QP Tel: 01246 416145 Assistant Secretary: Roger Scholey Honorary Treasurer: Andy Jordan Tel: 07773 204954 Accounts Examiner: John Hopkins F.C.A. Year Book Editor: Dorothy Betts Committee: Dr R. Allum; Ms D. Betts; M.C. Gibson; R. Goodchild; Mrs R. Moseley; M. Paterson; D.W. Tunbridge; B. Whitehead and Officers Acknowledgements: The Society wishes to thank all our advertisers for their support, without which this Year Book would not be possible, and all our members are asked that, wherever possible, they will in turn support our advertisers. Our thanks go to all our contributors who have given their time and efforts to enable us to produce this Year Book, which we hope you will find of interest. The thanks of the Society are also extended to Brian Whitehead, Yorkshire CCC,, ECB, Cricinfo, Yorkshire Post and Telegraph for photographs in this Year Book. Design & Print: Northend Creative Print Solutions Tel 0114 250 0331 The Editor wishes to point out that the views expressed by the authors of articles in the Year Book are not necessarily those of the Society itself.