Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

twitter: @scloverssociety 30 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Although many of us have had the pleasure of hearing Geoff speak in the past he never fails but to entertain with new anecdotes and a refreshing honesty in his presentation. He told how he was happy to have given up the role of National Selector and he felt that he and his selection colleagues had made a significant contribution to the English effort. Naturally he was somewhat sad with the recent failure to progress to the final stages of the World Cup but was convinced that the tide would turn in the near future. Another splendid evening, his story of his last couple of years at Grammar School was absolutely hilarious and we will all remember yet another evening of laughter with a top class entertainer. Wednesday March 11th 2015 , 51 members joined in the Annual Quiz evening kindly organised by Richard Scholey and Ian Wileman. Once again they produced a challenging and enjoyable quiz which the eight teams enjoyed though there was evidence of some taking it more seriously than others. In the end the scores were very reasonable with the Question Master’s brother, Roger leading his team to victory. Many thanks again to Richard and Ian for a most entertaining evening. March 18th and we welcomed Neil Robinson Archivist at MCC Neil was very enthusiastic and described his delight at being able to work at such a fine location as Lord’s Cricket Ground. Neil told us that he is intending to write a book on the history of gambling in cricket and gave us a very interesting insight into this world. We hope he succeeds and will look forward to welcoming him back in the future. The Indoor Season... Wednesday 1st April and we celebrated our 55th Annual Dinner at Baldwins Omega. Guest of Honour was ‘Dickie Bird‘ President of Yorkshire CCC. Sir Michael Parkinson was not able to be with us due to illness but sent his best wishes to Dickie. A beautiful cake was on display to celebrate Sir Michael’s 80th birthday. It was almost completely edible. Also joining us from Yorkshire were Martyn Moxon and Jason Gillespie. Once again we enjoyed a fantastic meal followed by a musical interlude with local singer Paul Pashley . There then followed the presentation to Dickie Bird of the Society Ambassador of the Year Award. The Yorkshire President responded with a short but humorous reply. We then had an interesting Question and Answer session with Martyn and Jason fielding the questions. The evening was rounded off by Norman Prince who proved once again to be very funny and entertained us with a most amusing session. All in all another great evening. ...continued from page 25