Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

31 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Our thanks to David Drabble and David Baldwin and to sponsors Wilson Field for ensuring yet again a first class event. Thursday 9th April and we welcomed a former Derbyshire player Alan Hill. Yet again we had from an ex Derbyshire player many humorous anecdotes but not before he reminded us that his best ever score had been 172 not out against...Yorkshire! His brilliant stories of Bob Taylor and Eddie Barlow reminded us of previous presentations by former Derbyshire players at our meetings in the past. What is it about Derbyshire? they not only produce players who are forthright and tell it as it is but they do it with great humour and set out to entertain from the start. His handling of members’ questions in the second half was even more fun and entertaining as he managed every question with direct and often amusing replies. Yet another first class evening enjoyed by a very healthy turnout of over 70 members. Thanks Alan, hope you will join us again sometime in the future. Thursday 23 April 2015 Our final meeting of the season was ‘A Tribute to Hedley Verity’ presented by former Yorkshire CCC Committee member Sydney Fielden and Chris Waters Yorkshire Post Cricketing correspondent. Chris, an award winning author for his 2012 ‘Fred Trueman the Authorised Biography’ gave us a close insight into the research required for his latest book ‘10 for 10 Hedley Verity and the Story of Cricket’s Greatest Bowling Feat.’ On 12th July 1932 at home a Yorkshire bowler took all 10 wickets for 10 runs against Nottinghamshire who were all out for 67 in their second innings. That record still stands today , in addition Hedley claimed at least 150 wickets in nine successive seasons. His average being 185 per season. Chris quite clearly has become an expert on the career of Hedley Verity and his book will no doubt prove to be another winner. Sydney Fielden then took us through some of Hedley Verity’s other outstanding performances both for Yorkshire and England, He had brought with him a collection of Hedley Verity memorabilia and members enjoyed the rare opportunity to see them. A fascinating evening for all concerned. Success for our Society Member Paul Walshaw who won £12,000 on the Yorkshire CCC Lottery this summer. Congratulations