Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

41 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society The Barrel Inn, Bretton Nr. Eyam, Hope Valley S32 5QD Telephone 01433 630856 The Barrel Inn is the Highest Pub in Derbyshire with views over five counties. Inside, the 16th Century Inn is a delight, with roaring log fires, home cooked food and hand pulled Real Ale. First Class en-suite bedrooms available. The ideal place for an evening out A warm and friendly welcome at any time of year For more information visit our website at sadly passed away on 14th September 2015 aged 84. This excerpt by John Thicknesse and courtesy of espncrickinfo says it all... “More stories have been told about Brian Close, or to be precise his eccentricities, than probably any postwar cricketer except maybe his fellow-Yorkshireman Fred Trueman. Close’s courage, batting against the fastest bowling or fielding at short leg, was legendary. Seemingly impervious to pain himself, he used to say to anyone who flinched, or rubbed a bruise: “How can the ball hurt you? It’s only on you for a second.” Because he always tried to play the type of innings he considered the position of the match required, Close’s record did scant justice to his talent, which was huge. He was a notably unselfish cricketer, a factor in the respect he won as Yorkshire, Somerset, and briefly, England captain, and the success his teams enjoyed. He was as stubborn as he was unselfish.” And he will be very sadly missed by all Yorkshire cricket supporters... Pic courtesy of Telegraph Sport AND The Man who was D.B. Close Pic courtesy of