Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2016

5 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Chairman’s Introduction Est. 1973 I talian and P iemontese C uisine Open Monday to Saturday Dinner 7.00pm RECOMMENDED BY THE WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE SPECIALIST IMPORTER OF FRESH WHITE TRUFFLE 33 QUEEN STREET • SCARBOROUGH • N. YORKS Telephone/Fax: (01723) 363616 RISTORANTE ITALIANO Award ROME 1997-8 WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE WINNER - Of the ITALIAN RISTORANTE of the YEAR 1999 Pizza, Pasta and ITALIAN FOOD INDUSTRY OFFICIAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT AWARD Supported by the ITALIAN DEPARTMENT of Agriculture and FOOD RESOURCES and ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DELLA CUCINA WINNER of ZAPPINO D’ARGENTO’ for the best white truffle Moncalvo, Italy November 1999 Traditional Italian Restaurant Specialising in Fresh White Truffles, Local Fresh Fish, Seasonal Produce Proprietors: Mr & Mrs G. ALESSIO I am delighted to report that once again we have had a very successful off field season. Not only have we maintained our very high standards from our speakers but in certain areas we have surpassed prior years. This of course, is only fitting in keeping with our Yorkshire side winning the Championship for the second successive year. Many congratulations to Andrew Gale and his young side and to Martyn Moxon , Jason Gillespie and all the backroom staff for a wonderful team effort. Our Annual Dinner and Autumn Dinner, both held at Baldwin’s Omega, were well supported as was our Charity Luncheon which proved very successful in helping us to raise over £9500 for local Charities. We were again delighted to have welcome sponsorship from Wilson Field to support this event. I would like to place on record our sincere thanks to Dorothy Betts for editing this Year Book. Our thanks also to David Drabble, who once again produced a first class programme of meetings. This will be my final contribution to our Year Book, I have advised your committee that I intend to stand down as Chairman at our forthcoming AGM. I have had a most enjoyable term in office but intend to attend future meetings from the back row! Many thanks to our committee who have given me tremendous support. Two final thanks to Abbeydale Sports Club for the use of their facilities and to all members who staunchly support our meeting and make it all worthwhile. Fingers crossed for a third successive win for Yorkshire in 2016. Bev Stokes Editor note: A huge vote of thanks to our outgoing Chairman Bev Stokes who has been an excellent figure head for the Society over eight years; his leadership of the Committee will be missed by us all and we wish him well as a ‘Back-bencher’ and look forward to seeing him relaxed and enjoying our meetings.