Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2017
Is cricket really a team game, or are you on your own when you play? In this book, 25 former cricketers write – fondly, wittily, reflectively – about favourite team mates, the people with whom they enjoyed playing, the ones who gave more to the side than just runs and wickets. Edited by John Barclay and Stephen Chalke, contributors include Mike Atherton, Clare Connor, Chris Cowdrey, Angus Fraser, Rachel Heyhoe, Alastair Hignell, Simon Hughes, John Inverarity, Steve James, David Lloyd, Vic Marks, Geoff Miller, Paul Parker, Derek Pringle, Tim Rice, Mike Selvey, Michael Simkins, Ed Smith, Mark Wagh and Andrew Wingfield Digby. The book has been published by Fairfield Books, with all monies going to the Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation, a registered charity. Hardback, 192 pages £15 ARUNDEL CASTLE CRICKET FOUNDATION, Arundel Park, West Sussex BN18 9LH UK DELIVERY POST FREE – Please add £2 for overseas delivery Please send me a copy of TEAM MATES for £15 □ I am making a further donation of ............................ to the Foundation’s work □ If you are a UK taxpayer and are making a donation that you would like to be eligible for Gift Aid, please tick this box: □ and sign here: ........................................................ I enclose a cheque for ……………… made payable to ARUNDEL CASTLE CRICKET FOUNDATION Or I am paying ........................ into the Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation bank account: NatWest – Littlehampton branch Sort code: 60-01-18 Account number: 46079068 NAME ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ADDRESS ……………………………………………………………………………………………….…………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………… All monies received for this book will go to the Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation TEAM MATES A book celebrating the best of cricket
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