Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2017

5 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society Chairman’s Introduction Est. 1973 I talian and P iemontese C uisine Open Monday to Saturday Dinner 7.00pm RECOMMENDED BY THE WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE SPECIALIST IMPORTER OF FRESH WHITE TRUFFLE 33 QUEEN STREET • SCARBOROUGH • N. YORKS Telephone/Fax: (01723) 363616 RISTORANTE ITALIANO Award ROME 1997-8 WHICH? GOOD FOOD GUIDE WINNER - Of the ITALIAN RISTORANTE of the YEAR 1999 Pizza, Pasta and ITALIAN FOOD INDUSTRY OFFICIAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT AWARD Supported by the ITALIAN DEPARTMENT of Agriculture and FOOD RESOURCES and ACCADEMIA ITALIANA DELLA CUCINA WINNER of ZAPPINO D’ARGENTO’ for the best white truffle Moncalvo, Italy November 1999 Traditional Italian Restaurant Specialising in Fresh White Truffles, Local Fresh Fish, Seasonal Produce Proprietors: Mr & Mrs G. ALESSIO It is with pleasure that I can report that once again we have had a first class ‘off the field’ season, with our secretary David Drabble once more providing an exhilarating list of speakers who have kept us all enthralled. In addition we have again had two successful dinners and a charity lunch at Baldwin’s Omega. The second half of the season saw us use both Abbeydale Sports Club and Lees Hall Golf Club as venues for our meetings, both of which proved to be popular with our members. As we have left Abbeydale Sports Club in favour of Lees Hall Golf Club from September 2016, may I take this opportunity to thank Abbeydale Sports Club for the use of their facilities and support over the previous years. Before I close I would like to place on record my thanks to my predecessor Bev Stokes who for a number of years was the well-respected figure- head for our Society. Finally may I wish all of you a successful season both on and off the field during 2017. Enjoy the read. Peter Mason Chairman Dave Longley Deputy Chairman Bev receiving a gift from the society for his valued service as Chairman.