Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2017

9 Sheffield Cricket Lovers’ Society YORKSHIRE CRICKET BOARD Cricket Development Manager (Yorkshire) Gareth Davis 46, Sandstone Close, Sheffield, S9 1AH Telephone (Office/fax) 01142447958 (mobile) 07860949607 e-mail County Lead for: Chance to Shine, Disability Development, Club Development SY Spreading the Power of Cricket through State Schools across Yorkshire Chance to Shines provides all schools & young people the chance to have fun, play and succeed through Cricket. Our high quality programme will enhance social & personal learning whilst providing an inclusive program as a vehicle to enhance healthy & active lifestyles. This year we have seen many highlights through a chance shine schools program in Yorkshire, by providing children the opportunity to play cricket in school is the helping us develop the long term sustainability of the game, giving children the chance to taste cricket for the first time at an early age, hoping they this will inspire them to choose cricket as their life long sport, here are some highlights. • Number of Schools worked with: 550 • Number of sessions delivered: 5003 • Total Number of hours delivered: 12035 • Total Number of participants worked with: 187413 • Number Teachers Trained: 7714 • Transition to club hours delivered: 713 • Golden ticket and migration figures total: 4971 • Cricket Activator YL Trained: 1028 • Number of SEN children coached: 5302 • Number of BEM children coached: 9950 • Competition Hours: 3537 • Intra Matches Played: 1608 • Inter Matches played: 2697 • Primary schools entering Year 6: 1325 • Primary schools entering year ¾ Drax: 675 • SEN schools entering competitions: 80 • Secondary schools (boys) entering competitions: 677 • Secondary schools (girls) entering competitions: 110 This year we have seen a record number of young leaders trained. This has produced a huge impact on the number of competitions and festivals we run, as clubs at times do not have enough volunteers and helpers to make these days happen. Having these trained high quality young leaders it enables us to support clubs whilst providing a quality experience for schools, children and the clubs hosting, which is another way of retaining children within the game. The feedback we have had from clubs, CSPs and SGO networks clearly highlights the need for this offer within the secondary’s, not only for the up skilling and development of young people but also to support community clubs, and competitions.