Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2020

21 Regular events... With Baldwins Omega having departed the Sheffield Banqueting scene our Annual Dinner changed venues for the first time in many a year. Locally based broadcaster, Alan Biggs, was our host at The DoubleTree by Hilton at Meadowhead, with wicketkeeping great, Farokh Engineer, and Jim Cumbes whose bowling saw him represent four counties, filling the speaker roles. Indian born Farokh, who joined Lancashire in 1968 when already a Test player of repute, helped a county bereft of honours for eighteen long years win six trophies in eight seasons. The supporters held him in such regard that when he was once stopped for speeding the police officer let him off because if he hadn’t, “My Dad would kill me!.” He endeared himself to the audience immediately by suggesting that the Society must be desperate to have invited two Lancastrians to come and speak! In addition to his cricketing career, Jim was also once the second most expensive goalkeeper in the country when he joined WBA from Tranmere Rovers and later played against Pele during a stint in the USA. Whilst Chief Executive at Lancashire CCC he played a very prominent role in pushing through the redevelopment of Old Trafford into the fine Test Match venue it is today. Dinner guests from ‘over the hill’! Alan Biggs (centre) with Farokh and Jim QUIZ NIGHT Memories were tested when Richard Scholey and Ian Wileman put on another enjoyable night for those amongst us who can come up with a few answers to their cricketing questions. Better brush up on your knowledge and make a note of the next one (above). THURSDAY 13 FEBRUARY 2020 has very kindly sponsored the event and we thank Andrew Wallis and his guests for their generous support.