Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2023

IT based referral system since the early 1990s, the principle being that a third umpire can use video technology to assist in the decision making process. Umpire reviews can be requested following dismissal decisions, especially run-outs and catches. Similarly, captains are permitted up to two unsuccessful challenges per innings under the Decision Review System (DRS). The umpire’s call was introduced in 2016 to enable confirmation of their original decision in the absence of a clear mistake. What’s truly remarkable about DRS is how smoothly it has assimilated into the game. There may be occasional bumps but generally it has enhanced the umpire’s position as officiator. The pace of the game is tempered by natural breaks in play which lends itself perfectly to DRS. It clicks into action on the jumbotron as players and fans watch patiently for the outcome. Hawkeye provides an engaging series of graphics for all to see. There is no rancour or aggression and umpires are respected - in complete contrast to the unadulterated chaos of VAR in football. Compared to referees in football, umpires have a completely different relationship with the players. It is polite, controlled and almost convivial. Any disciplinary matters are usually routed through the captains. Players adhere to a strict code of conduct that permits no dissent and the resolute acceptance of a decision (DRS permitting). But like all rules, there are exceptions and incidents when players and - rarely - umpires ‘lose it’. The most infamous ‘talk back’ to an umpire occurred during England’s tour of Pakistan in 1987. England captain Mike Gatting obviously missed the lecture about etiquette as he launched into a foul mouthed tirade against umpire Shakoor Rana. All semblance of manners disappeared as they angrily traded insults. Jabbing fingers left no gap as they prodded into each other’s chest. The flash point was Rana’s assertion that Gatting had shifted his fielders as Eddie Hemmings came into bowl. It was the second day of the 2nd test at Faisalabad Pakistan were floundering at 106-5 in response to England’s first innings total of 292. With three balls left before close of play, Gatting brought David Capel to deep square-leg to prevent a single. The England captain claimed he had informed the batsman about the fielding change. But an enraged Rana stopped play and accused Gatting of cheating. It was a deeply unsavoury incident and there was probably fault on both sides. Could it simply be two individuals who were tired of each other’s company in such close proximity? 10 DRS has taken away much of the possible contention about decisions away from umpires Shakoor Rana controversy - Mike Gatting and Shakoor Rana go hammer and tongs in Faisalabad