Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2023

31 reborn from their Ashes trauma to dismantle New Zealand. Jonny Bairstow and Joe Root are at the forefront; two Yorkies alongside Adam Lyth and Adil Rashid who Andrew coached as county U12 coach for 6 years. We move on to more recent times… what were the biggest changes in his time at the YCB? The change in the way the Yorkshire Cricket Board is funded has had a significant impact on the work they can now do and the reach, projects and support they can now offer. From 2005, bigger counties didn’t get the ECB funding that was proportionate to their size and population. Each county board received a baseline figure then the rest left in the pot was divided up. Now each county has its own separate deal with the ECB and Yorkshire is given the resources that warrant a county where so much recreational cricket is played. It is a common stick to beat the YCB that they don’t do enough in certain areas like schools cricket. Imagine if 12 people each got a month in charge of the England Test team or as Chief Executive of the ECB, they’ll do wildly different things. cont’d on pg33