Sheffield Cricket Lovers' Society Year Book 2023

37 Congratulations on your selection into the 2023 Northern Diamonds Emerging Players Programme (EPP). How did you find out? My dad sent me the email while I was at school. I didn’t really know what to say, as I didn’t expect it, but I felt really happy and proud. I didn’t realise I was the youngest on the Diamonds programme until we had our first group call - that made me feel even more excited (and a bit nervous). Is there a professional cricketer you look up to the most and why? England wicketkeeper Amy Jones. When she stands up to the stumps to the fast bowlers, she makes it look easy. I hope I can do that in the future. She’s also an excellent top-five batter, which is where I like to bat. Oh, and there’s also Lauren Winfield- Hill. She showed how to bounce back after tough times by winning a trophy with the Diamonds and in The Hundred with the Oval Invincibles. Your advice to girls interested in cricket? Go for it. There’s nothing to lose by giving it a try. In my experience, cricket clubs are very friendly places and there’s now lots of support for girls playing cricket. I’ve met people I’m now good friends with and it’s also a lot of fun. *Article courtesy of ECB Thirteen-year-old Rotherham Town CC wicketkeeper and batter IZZY FIDLER reflects on her rise from ‘All Stars Cricket’ to the ‘Northern Diamonds Emerging Players Programme’. All Star Izzy on the rise Tell us a bit about yourself and your cricket journey so far. I like lots of sports, but cricket’s my favourite and has been since I went to a summer holiday cricket week at my local club, Rotherham Town. I did that for a couple of summers, then I took part in All Stars Cricket there when I was eight years old. It was a great introduction to the game, and I had a lot of fun. I then played U9s and U11s and began training with South Yorkshire girls U11s. Two years ago, I made the Yorkshire U13s development squad, and this summer I made my debut in the performance squad. Who inspired you to play cricket? My brother Matthew was always at the cricket club. I used to go over when he was in the nets and ride my bike around the outfield. Being there all the time and watching him play made me want to play too. He’s also a wicketkeeper and watching him helped me know what to do. I still look up to him now. What are your favourite All Stars memories? Getting the kit was very exciting. It meant I could take it home with me and play wherever I went. The sessions were on a Friday night, when the other juniors were training, so it felt like I was part of the club community. I used to look forward to it all day while I was at school each Friday. Izzy Fidler playing for Yorkshire U13 this year