Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

April 21 st 80. Committee Meeting at the Ground. Present, Messrs Dixon, Turnbull, S.Thompson, Crompton, Towle, Rudman and the Hon. Sec. Mr.Turnbull, Chairman. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Proposal for notice board at Altrincham Station deferred sine die. Proposed by Mr Towle, seconded by Mr Dixon that Mr J.White be written to by the Hon. Sec, calling his attention to the non-performance of his duties as one of the ground committee on Saturday last. April 17 th . Proposed by Mr.Towle, seconded by Mr Turnbull that Jos Higgins, Bloomsbury Lane, Timperley be a member of the club, Agreed. Proposed by Mr.Towle, seconded by Mr Turnbull that W.Thompson, George St Manchester ??? ???? be a member of the club, Agreed. Proposed by the Hon. Sec, seconded by Mr ? Dixon that Mr A.G Syers, Market Place, Altrincham be a member of the club, Agreed Ground committee for Saturday 24 th Messrs Rudman, Dixon and Crompton. Hon. Sec instructed to write to Bowdon 2 nd for match on Bank Holiday May 17 th . Eleven chosen for Saturday May 1 st Ashton on Mersey Rangers at Timperley. There was some discussion as to the advisability of the meetings being conducted more privately, but no resolution was came to. W.Dixon Chairman April 21.80. Page 10