Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

April 28 th .80. Committee Meeting at the Ground. Present Messrs Dixon, White, Luckmann, J.Bell, W.J towel and Hon.Sec. H.Dixon (Chairman). Minutes of last meeting read and passed. The following resolution proposed by Mr J.R White seconded by W.H Luckman was passed and ordered to be one of the bye-laws – ‘That a Ground Committee of not less than three be selected from the committee and the eleven on a Wednesday evening previous to a match, whose duties shall be to see that all club materials in use on the match day, are safely put away before they leave the ground. Any member appointed on the committee, neglecting to perform his duties; or of he appointing a substitute, shall not be considered to have served his time on the committee’. Hon. Sec instructed to get post cards printed giving notice to members, not likely to see the list on the ground, that they are selected to play in matches. Proposed by Mr Towle seconded by the Hon. Sec that Mr ?Jos Graham, Rose Cottage, Brooklands, be a member of the club. Agreed. Proposed by Mr Towle seconded by the Hon. Sec that Mr. A.Potter Poplar Grove Brooklands, be a member of the club. Agreed Proposed by W Dixon seconded by W.H Luckman that Mr. William Arnold Grove House, Broomfield Lane, Hale, be a member of the club. Agreed Proposed by Mr Towle seconded by Mr Luckman ‘That Messrs Morrison, F.Cundall and Fitton, who have been absent from three consecutive meetings (see Rule 2 (b) be re-elected on the committee. The eleven selected to play for May 8 th to play at Urmston. Some conversation ensued as to the desirability of a larger notice board in hut and a suggestion made for a slate to be provided, on which to place nominations of new members so as to carry out the intention of Rule 3 but no resolution was passed. Mr E.J Crompton having provided a substitute to carry out his duties as ground steward, it was held that he had not served his time on the committee. Messrs Crompton, White and Luckman appointed the ground committee for Saturday May 1 st . Geo.H.Hankinson Chairman May 5 th 1880. Page 11