Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

May 19 th . No committee meeting for want of a quorum. Present E.J Crompton, J.Bell, A.Birch and the Hon. Sec. May 26 th Committee Meeting Present, Mssrs Towle, Dixon, Rudman, Birch, S.Thompson & J.Bell. Minutes of the last meeting read and passed. The Hon. Secretary sent word he had sold the ‘lost’ watch to C.Hughes of Oldham Street, Manchester for 25/- in accordance with instructions at the last meeting (the said watch was found after a match early in the season of 1877 and no inquiry has since been made respecting it). Proposed by W.Dixon, seconded by A.Birch that Messrs Morrison, Fitton & F.Cundall be struck off the committee for non-attendance (see rule 2(b)) Carried. Proposed by A.Dixon, seconded by R.Rudman that R.Daniel, W.Hill and N.Owen be elected to fill up vacancies on committee and that Messrs Luckman, Turnbull and White be re-elected Members of the Committee. Carried. Proposed by A.Birch, seconded by S.Thompson that field nights commence on Wednesday next June 2 nd Carried. Proposed by R.Rudman seconded by J.Bell that a lamp be purchased for the use of the committee price not to exceed three shillings. Proposed by J.Bell, seconded by A.Birch that for the future committee meetings be held at 9pm. Proposed by R.Rudman seconded by S.Thompson that the slips used on Wednesday night for choosing teams be preserved for future reference. Amendment proposed by W.Dixon seconded by A.Birch, that the slips be destroyed as usual. The amendment carried. Proposed by R.Rudman seconded by S.Thompson that the teams chosen for matches be entered in the minute book. Carried. The eleven for Saturday May 26 th filled up. Messrs J.Bell. Manock and W.Kay appointed the Ground Committee for Saturday May 26 th . The eleven for Saturday June 5 th selected – viz Messrs Dixon, F.Hardy, S.Thompson, W.J Towle, J.Morrison, W.Hill, J.White, R.Daniel, W.Arnold, W.Kay and R.Rudman. Robert Daniel Chairman June5th Page 13