Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

June 5 th Committee Meeting Present Messrs Dixon, Towle, Turnbull, Owen, Birch, J.Bell, S.Thompson, R.Daniel, Hill and the Hon. Secretary. Minutes of the last meeting read and passed and signed by Chairman (R.Daniel). Proposed by W.Owen, seconded by W.Towle ‘that a list of the eleven for each match be placed at Timperley Station’. Carried. Proposed by Mr Towle and seconded by J.Bell. ‘That there shall not be more than two bowlers at each wicket on practice nights and not more than two balls in use at the same time’. Carried. Hon. Secretary instructed to see Parbott about cleaning off the grass and the ground steward to see ??? as to cost of mowing field and cutting the hedge. Some conversation followed as to repairing the windows and fixing the telegraph board in some prominent position but it was left to the Hon. Secretary to attend to it. The Hon. Secretary was also requested to report to the next committee meeting an estimate of the year’s receipts and expenditure. The eleven for Saturday next June 5 th filled up and R.Daniel elected Captain. Messrs Daniel, Hill and Arnold appointed Ground Committee for Saturday next June 5 th . The Eleven for Saturday June 12 th selected viz Messrs Dixon, Hill, Morrison, S.Thompson, W.Hargreaves, Kay, White, Arnold, Manock, Hardy and J.Bell. William Towles. Chairman June 9 th .80 Page 14