Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

June 16 th Committee Meeting Present Messrs Towle, Dixon, Rudman, S.Thompson, J.Bell, Owen, the Hon. Treasurer and the Hon. Secretary. Minutes of the last meeting read and passed and signed by Chairman (??? Hon.Treasurer) The Hon. Secretary read an estimate of the receipts and expenditure for the year. Total receipts including balance brought forward were calculated to be £60, the expenditure was estimated to be £55, showing an estimated surplus of £5. It was pointed out that the estimates of receipts was based on the assumption that the number of honorary members was about the same as last year and that all playing members , within one or two, duly paid their subscription. Mr Towle proposed, Mr Owen seconded ’That the practice on Wednesday be treated in every respect as during a match’. Carried. The eleven for Saturday June 19 th was completed as far as possible and Mr Rudman chosen as Captain. The 2 nd eleven for Saturday June 19 th at Timperley was also filled as far as possible and C.Fitton selected to be Captain. The ground committee was also chosen viz Messrs W & A Thompson and C.Fitton. The eleven for Saturday June 26 th was also chosen viz Messrs Luckman, Hill, S.Thompson, White, Arnold, Rudman, R.Daniel, Morrison, Kay, Manock, W.Thompson. The 2 nd eleven for Saturday June 26 th was selected viz W.Dixon, J.Bell, F.Hardy, C.Davis, C.Fitton, Birch, E.Dowling, J.R Kelsall, C.A Collier, Ogden, Geo Whitfield. Some conversation followed as to the desirability of commencing the committee meetings earlier and a resolution was proposed and seconded to that effect, but on it being represented that several members had left with the impression that the selection of the teams was the only outstanding business the mover and seconder agreed to postpone their motion until the next meeting. Notice of the motion was afterwards put upon the slate. Mr Towle proposed as an addendum to this proposal that the resolution with reference to practice on Wednesday be added to the Byelaws. Carried. Walter Hill. Chairman. June 23 rd . 80. Page 16