Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

June 23 rd Committee Meeting. Present Messrs Towle, Owen, Dixon, Hill, S.Thompson, A.Birch, J.Bell and the Hon. Secretary. Minutes of the last meeting read and passed and signed by the chairman (W.Hill). Mr ?.Dixon proposed, seconded by A.Birch, ‘That the committee meetings be held at 8.30 instead of 9, until further notice’. Amendment proposed by Mr. Owen seconded by Mr Towle ‘That the proposed alteration in time for committee meetings be considered two months hence’. Amendment carried. J.Bell proposed seconded by W.Towle, that the absentees from last Saturdays matches be informed that according to rule b, they are fined 1/- and Mr. Fitton be also informed that in his case the fine is remitted in consequence of his liability to illness. Amendment proposed by W.Dixon, seconded by W.H Luckman ‘That the whole of the fines be remitted owing to the bad weather’. The amendment was lost by a majority of 7 to 2. The following members who were disqualified from acting on the committee through non attendance were re-elected Messrs Turnbull, Fitton, Luckman, Cundall and Daniel. Proposed by J.Bell seconded by W.Towle, ‘That the ground committee not having attended to their duties after the match of Saturday last June 19 th , their attention be called to the matter’. The ground steward was instructed to pay 2/6 more to the man who had cut the grass, than was at first arranged. The eleven for Saturday next was filled up and W.H Luckman elected captain. The 2 nd Eleven for Saturday next was also filled up and Mr. Owen elected captain. The ground committee for Saturday next were appointed viz Messrs A.Thompson, F.Cundall and H.G Syers. The Eleven for Saturday July 23 rd to play at Withington v South Manchester was selected viz Messrs Luckman, Hill, S.Thompson, White, Arnold, R.Daniel, Morrison, J.Bell, W.Thompson, Dixon and Hardy. It was suggested that the Hon. Secretary should request payment of all subscription at an early date. Towle. Chairman June 30th Page 17