Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

June 30 th Committee Meeting Present Messrs Towle, Birch, Rudman, S.Thompson, J.Bell, F.Cundall, W.Hill, Turnbull, Owen and the Hon. Sec. Minutes of the last meeting read and passed and signed by the chairman (Mr.Towle). The Hon. Sec. referred to the old letter he had written to Mr. W.W Greaves (?) with reference to his having taken away a load of sods from outfield without asking committee permission. Mr Owen proposed seconded by Mr Turnbull ‘That the Hon. Secretary’s letter to W.W Greaves be entered in the minutes’. ‘Dear Sir, June 28.80 The committee have been informed that you have taken up and carried away a quantity of sods without their sanction and permission. I am instructed to inform you that they cannot permit you or anyone else to take up sods from the field without their special sanction and arrangement. Yours Truly, W.Bell. Hon. Sec. Some conversation followed as to propriety (?) of sending in an account for the sods taken away, but it was considered advisable to let the matter stand and no further action taken. Proposed by A.Birch seconded by F.Cundall ‘That the fines imposed last meeting be remitted’. It was also agreed that a special notice should be posted up stating that rule b would be enforced in future. Proposed by W.Bell seconded by S.Thompson that ?.Mawson be a member of the club. Agreed. Proposed by Mr Owen seconded by S.Thompson that any member of committee may give a weeks notice of any motion he may wish to bring forward and that any member may object to any motion being brought forward without a weeks notice being given. Agreed. The Hon. Sec gave notice, ‘That he will propose at the next committee meeting, ‘That junior members be admitted on terms to be settled by the committee’’ W.Hill gave notice ‘That he will propose at the next meeting ‘That the elevens for matches be selected by ballot’’. Also ‘That the Captain be chosen for the season and that the ground committee look at preparing the wicket previous to a home match’ Page 18