Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

The Eleven for Saturday next to play at Withington against South Manchester 2 nd filled up and W.Hill elected captain. The 2 nd Eleven for Saturday July 10 th was selected viz J.Bell, Birch, F.Cundall, Dowling, Fitton, Davis, Kay, A.Thompson, Collier Syers. W.Thompson. W.H Luckman. Chairman. July 14 th .80. July 7 th Committee Meeting Present Messrs S.Thompson, J.Bell, W.J Towle, F.J Turnbull and the Hon. Sec. As there were so few of the committee there and as the notices of resolutions were of importance no business was transacted beyond the selection of teams. The eleven for Saturday July 10 th was filled up and the Captain (S.Thompson) selected. The Eleven to play against Levenshulme 2 nd at Levenshulme were chosen viz Messrs Dixon, Luckman, Manock, Rudman, S.Thompson, W.J Towle, J.R White, Hill, J.Bell, Kay and R.Daniel. The second eleven to play at Timperley against the ‘De Trafford’ was also selected viz Messrs Birch, Cundall, Dowling, Owen, Ogden, Whitfield, Graham, Collier, A.Thompson, Davis and Brooks. W.H Luckmann. Chairman July 14.80. Committee Meeting July 14.80. Present Messrs Hill, Towle, Luckman, Owen, J.Bell, Birch, S.Thompson, and the Hon. Secretary. Minutes of meeting on June 30 th read and passed and signed by Chairman (Mr. W.H Luckmann) after one correction had been made. Proposed by the Hon. Secretary seconded by Mr Towle ‘That junior members be elected for the remainder of the season on payment of an entrance fee of 2/6 and subscription of 5/0, such members not to be over the age of 16’. Agreed. Proposed by W.Hill seconded by A.Birch, ‘That the teams for matches be selected by ballot’. Agreed. Proposed by W.Hill seconded by N.Owen that three members be elected by ballot as captain for the remainder of the season. Agreed. The ballot for captains resulted as follows – W.Hill 8, H.Dixon 6, W.J Towle 4, W.H Luckman 3, S.Thompson 2, R.Daniel 1. Messrs Hill, Dixon and Towle were declared elected and it was understood that whenever two or more are playing in the same match, the captains have precedence in the order of their election. Page 19