Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

August 18 th Committee Meeting Present Messrs Hill, Birch, J.Bell and the Hon.Sec. There not being a quorum, no business was transacted beyond selecting an eleven for Aug 28 to play at Lymm viz. Messrs Kay, Luckman, White, Dixon, Manock, Owen, Collier, S.Thompson, J.Bell, Birch and Arnold. It was also agreed to meet next Wednesday at 7.30, instead of 9, two months having elapsed since the time was last considered. This decision to be sanctioned at the next meeting. August 25 Committee Meeting Present Messrs Hill, S.Thompson, A.Thompson, A.Birch, J.Bell, R.Rudman, and the Hon.Sec. Minutes of last meeting on July 28 th were read and passed and signed by the Chairman (R.Rudman) also the minutes of business done on Aug 4 th 11 th & 18 th (when there were not sufficient present to form a quorum) was approved and signed by the Chairman. Carrying out a suggestion made on Aug.18 th S.Thompson moved and A.Birch seconded ‘That the committee meeting commence at 7.30, instead of 9, until further notice’. Carried. Proposed by A.Thompson for W.J Towle, seconded by S.Thompson, ‘That the club ground be lent to the Ashton on Mersey Rangers on Sept 4 th 80, for the purposes of a match on that day’. Proposed by W.Hill ‘That the club ground be not lent to the Ashton on Mersey rangers on the above date’. There not being any seconder the resolution was carried. Proposed by W.Hill seconded by S.Thompson, ‘That the captain for eleven be elected by ballot on the Wednesday evening previous to each match’. Amendment proposed by J.Bell ’That the present arrangement remain in force’. There being no seconder, the resolution was carried. Votes for the captain for Saturday next Aug.27 th were taken with the following result, Dixon 3, Hill 1, Luckman 1, S.Thompson 1, White 1. The eleven for Saturday Sept 4 th was also balloted for the following were selected Messrs Dixon, Manock, Luckman, S.Thompson, Hill, W.Thompson, White, Kay, R.Daniel, J.Bell, Hill, Arnold, Birch, Collier. The eleven to play at Lymm was also filled up. Page 22