Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

September 2 nd Present Messrs Towle, Birch, Hardy, and the Hon. Sec. There not being a quorum no business was transacted except the selections of elevens 1 st and 2 nd to play on Saturday Sept.11 th also the filling up of the eleven to play at Worsley. The balloting for the Elevens resulted as follows:- 1 st Eleven Messrs Luckman, S.Thompson, R.Daniel, H.Dixon, N.Frevillier (?), W.Hill, Morrison, Towle, White, Arnold and Birch. 2 nd Eleven Messrs J.Bell, Kay, Whitfield, Cookson, A.Thompson, Rudman, Syers, Kelsall, Cundall, W.Thompson and W.Owen. September 8 th 80 Committee Meeting Present Messrs Towle, S.Thompson, Rudman, Hardy, A.Thompson, and the Hon. Sec. Minutes of meeting held on Aug 25 th and also on Sept 2 nd (when there was no quorum) were read and approved and signed by the Chairman (R.Rudman). The eleven to play on Saturday Sept. 11 th was filled up and the team for Saturday Sept 18 th to play against South Manchester2nd was balloted for viz Messrs Daniel, Luckman, Graham, Hardy, White, Morrison, S.Thompson, Towle, Hill, Rudman and W.Kay. A 2 nd team was selected last Wednesday (Sept. 2 nd ) for Sept.11 th in mistake for Sept.18 th , it was agreed to let the selection stand good, but leaving out those just been selected on the 1 st team for the same date. On considering the probabilities of being able to get together a second eleven to go away on the 18 th to Heaton, it was agreed that it was most unlikely and that it would be sensible to cancel the match. The balloting for captain for Saturday Sept.11 th resulted as follows. Luckman 2, Towle 2, Hardy 1, Dixon 1, and on a fresh vote being taken for Luckman and Towle the numbers being again equal the casting vote of the chairman decided in favour of Mr.Towle. The Ground committee was appointed viz Messrs Dixon, Luckman and Arnold. A letter from Mr Grimes was laid before the committee with reference to loss of fruit and damage in Orchard and the Hon. Sec was instructed to reply in the terms of a draft letter ??/ asked to the meeting and disclaiming any liability. Several vacancies on the committee were filled up, Messrs Turnbull, Luckman and W.Owen , Timperley were re-elected and Messrs White, Arnold and W.Thompson were elected members of the committee. Page 23