Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

The Hon. Sec was instructed to send out a ‘reminder’ to those playing members whose subscriptions were still unpaid, a copy letter was read and approved. A suggestion was made to have as a closing game a married and single match, the matter to be put forward more definitely at the next meeting. W.Bell Chairman Sept.15.80 Sept 15 Committee Meeting Present Messrs Towle, White, S.Thompson, AThompson, Hardy, Birch, and the Hon.Sec. Minutes of the last meeting were read and passed and signed by the Chairman (The Hon.Sec). The eleven for Saturday next was filled up as far as possible, the captain for Saturday next was balloted for resulting in S.Thomson being elected. Messrs White, Arnold and W.Thompson were appointed as the Ground committee for Saturday next. The ballot for the second team to play at Cheadle resulted as follows Messrs Birch, Kay, Whitfield, Bell, A.Thompson, Cookson, Syers, W.Thompson, Arnold, Cundall and White. Proposed by W.Towle and seconded by A.Birch ‘That a married & single match be played on the 1 st Saturday in October’ Amendment proposed by F.Hardy seconded by J.White ‘That there be no match played on that date’. Messrs Towle, Birch, S.Thompson & A.Thompson voted for the motion and Messrs Hardy and white for the amendment. Mr. Towle was requested to take charge of the married team and report on Wednesday next if there was any probability of getting it together. Fred Hardy. Page 24