Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

Annual Meeting held January 15 th 1880 in the house of E.J Thompson Esq, Moss Lane, Timperley Present Mssrs Dixon, Rudman, Birch, S.Thompson, J.Bell and William Bell (Chairman). The following report was read, Your committee have pleasure in presenting the third Annual Report to the members of the Timperley Cricket Club. We are able to state that the funds of the club continue in a satisfactory condition although the balance in hand and carried forward is somewhat less than in previous years, but this we think will be sufficiently accounted for by the expenditure upon the field and the purchase of a roller and seats. The number of members is slightly in excess of any previous years. Honorary members (whose support is essential to the well being of the club) numbered last year 31 and playing members 29 or a total of 60, and an increase of 4 as compared with 1878. This feature of continued and extended interest in the club is we think very satisfactory and we hope a similar result may be recorded at the next annual meeting. The total amount of subscriptions, donations and other receipts including balance brought forward from last year as per balance sheet is £43,,8,,4 and the expenditure £38,,16,,7 leaving a balance to be carried forward of £4,,11,,9. The chronicle of the results of matches played during last season does not look any more favourable than that of the previous year, but an analysis of the scoring exhibits a decided improvement in the batting power of the club. In the season 1878 the average number of runs per match was 37.7, last season (1879) it was 63.3, an increase of 25.6 runs per match. The first eleven played 15 matches, 3 were won, 2 drawn and 10 lost. The 2 nd Eleven only played 3 matches (others being prevented by unfavourable weather). 1 was lost 1 drawn and 1 won. In accordance with a resolution adopted at the first general committee meeting in 1879 we find that Mr Alf Crompton is entitled to the presentation bat for the highest average score per innings (12.5) during the season of 1879. Your committee have at last been able to secure the present ground subject to certain conditions, for a period of five years from the 25 December last. We think that that this action on our part will be generally approved of especially as steps were at once taken to have a large portion of the ground levelled and relaid. The Autumn so as rather advanced before the work could be given in hand and unfortunately the severity of the weather during the closing weeks of the past year has considerably delayed the work, but we hope with a few days more open weather, and a favourable spring we may be able to commence next season with the ground in good condition there worthy of our national pastime. It will be ??? that to carry out this improvement , will involve an additional large expenditure and which the committee feel should not fall on the income of the current Page 5