Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

year. They have therefore started a special fund to defray the cost of levelling and relaying about 1500 square yards and anticipate a favourable response. We hope that with the advantage of a fairly level ground the club will increase both in members and efficacy every year and become one of the principal institutions of the neighbourhood. Signed on behalf of the Committee, William Bell Hon. Sec Resolved, ‘That the report now read be passed, Resolved, ‘That the accounts as printed and distributed be taken as read, and passed.’ Resolved, ‘That the Rev. E. Dowling M.A be President, and Messrs E.J Thompson, John Nickson, John Pilling, H.Blundall, Geo.Falkner, Thos.Poley and James Kay Esq be the Vice-Presidents’ Resolved, ‘That section (b), rule 2 be rescinded.’ Resolved, ‘That Rule 2 sections (a) and (c) be altered to read as follows… 2 (a) That the club be managed by a President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, and a committee of thirteen members, to be elected annually in the month of December, five to form a quorum, and that the President, Vice Presidents, Treasure, and Secretary be ex-efficio members of the committee. (b) That the committee shall meet at the ground every Wednesday evening during the season or more frequently if necessary, on being duly summoned. Absence from three consecutive meetings shall disqualify a member from acting on the committee, but he shall be eligible for re-election. Vacancies shall be filled up by the committee. Resolved, ‘That Rule 4, sections (a) and (b) be altered to read as follows… 4 (a) That the terms of membership be for Honorary members, half a guinea, and for Ordinary or playing Members, half a guinea, and ordinary or playing members shall pay an entrance fee of five shillings. (b) That a playing member wishing to resign shall send a written notice of his intention to the Hon. Sec. previous to the first day of December of any year, or he will be considered a member for the following season. Resolved, ‘That the Hon.Sec and the Hon.Treasurer for the past year be relected.’ Proposed by Sam.Thompson and agreed that Mr Walter Hill of Bamsbury House, Stockport Road be a member of the club. Proposed by William Bell and agreed that Mr Alfred Thompson, Mount Pleasant, Timperley, be a member of the club. William Bell Chairman Page 6