Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

Feb.27.80. Proposed by John Bell and agreed that Mr Sigismund Dawson, Redbrook House, Timperley and Mr Walter Thompson, Mount Pleasant, Timperley be members of the club. Proposed by H.Dixon and agreed, that Messrs John R.Kelsall, Woodlands Road, Altrincham and Peter Higson, Bridgewater Coal Office, Altrincham be members of the club. Proposed by S.Thompson, and agreed that Mr Fred Hardy (resigned), Pickering Lodge, be again a member of the club, and that in his case the entrance fee be not asked for he having subscribed 10/6 towards the special fund for relaying the ground. Mar.5 th .80 Committee Meeting at Addison Villas Present, Mr.Towle, J.Morrison, W.Dixon, R.Rudman, S.Thompson, F.Cundall, J.Bell, and the Hon.sec. Proposed by J.Morrison and agreed that Messrs H.Collins, William Owen, and O.G Luckmann 8 Charlotte Street Manchester be members of the club. Proposed by W.Dixon that Messrs William Nield, George Street, Altrincham and William Johnson, Altrincham Gas Office be members of the club, and agreed. Proposed by the Hon. Sec that William Kay, Larke Hill, Timperley be a member of the club, agreed. Proposed by W.J Towle and agreed that Messrs Robert Daniel and Alf Daniel of Sale be members of the club. Proposed by W.J Towle that Mr. Chas Ogden, of Sale and on behalf of J.J Turnbull, that Nathan Lloyd of Sale be members of the club, and agreed. The Hon. Sec presented estimate of F.W Williams of Bridge Street Manchester for making up canvas into a Bell tent for £3,,15,,0, and after some discussion it was decided to leave the matter with the Hon. Sec to arrange for the making up of the tent at as low a price as possible below estimate. The Hon. Sec reported interview with Mr Titmus about the notice board being put up at Timperley Station, Mr Titmus stated that he was obliged to make a nominal charge as he had to make a return to the railway company of all notices at the station and therefore proposed a nominal charge of 5/- for the year. It was decided that the Hon. Sec should arrange with Mr.Titmus. After some discussion as to a man to take charge of ground, it was decided that Mr W Dixon should endeavour to arrange with ?? Inglis of Sandiway to take charge of it for not more than 8/- per week. Page 7