Timperley CC Minute Book 1879-1880 (Transcribed)

It was decided to paint the front of shed in black and white. It was reported that several members (unnamed) had been practicing at the ground, before the opening day, without the sanction of the committee, after considering the weather Mr Towle proposed and Mr Rudman seconded ‘That those members who have taken out the materials for practice, without the consent of the committee be censured by this meeting of the committee’. The resolution carried with one dissent out (Mr. W.Dixon). The Hon. Sec was instructed to post the resolution in the hut. The eleven was chosen for opening game. The bye-laws were then considered and amended to read as follows- 1. That no intoxicating liquors be allowed on the Cricket ground on any occasion except by permission of the committee. 2. That any members entering the adjoining gardens, shall be personally responsible for any damage done. 3. That on practice night it be the rule to have innings of 10 minutes each and each batsmen to field two wickets down before leaving, except on Wednesday evenings when sides shall be chosen for game at 7 O’Clock and after 7.45 no one may ??? the game. 4. That the eleven for a match be elected on the Wednesday but one before the day of match and the list placed upon the notice board in hut. Each member able to play , to mark off his name not later than the Wednesday evening previous to the match, or a substitute will be chosen by the committee. Members not to elect their own substitutes, unless by permission of the committee. 5. That the captain be elected from time to time by the committee as early as practicable before each match. 6. That each member have the privilege of introducing a friend, the same party not to be introduced more than twice during each season by the same member. William J Towle Chairman April 14.80. April 14 th 1880. Meeting held at the ground. Present Messrs W.J Towle, W.Dixon, A.Birch, S.Thompson, J.R White, W.H Luckmann, J.Bell and the Hon. Sec. Mr Towle, Chairman. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. Proposed by the Hon. Sec, seconded by Mr Towle that ??? Addison Villas, be a member of the club. Agreed. Page 8