TImperley CC Yearbook 2019

3 5. TCC has a social environment that appeals to players and their partners/parents. The sportsmen’s dinner held in February dinner was again a great success. The innovation of having a sponsor’s event on the evening of the first match of the season was also a great success and one I would like to see continue as I would the race night held this year. What is now becoming and annual golf day was also a success although Ed’s buggy driving left a lot to be desired. Social events are an important part of engaging with our players partners and in the case of our juniors their parents and personally I would like to see more social events organized by the section 6. TCC has a pipeline of capable and willing supporters to run and administer the Section and the teams. We will come onto election of officers shortly, but one thing I would like to emphasise. Like other Sections and the Club, itself, the cricket Section exists because of volunteers and the time they put in making things happen for the benefit of others. As a Section, we are indebted to those that support us in however large or small way. One of the objectives I set for Cricket Section two years ago was to re-establish a comprehensive committee structure to manage our activities and take the Section forward. This year we I believe we largely achieved this with a strong and active committee  Secretary Chris Page  Treasurer Dave Twinny  Team Captains Nathan Brown, Rob Mathews, Martin Porthouse, Vipul Garg and Jurjees Hasan  Junior coordinator and junior managers, helpers and scorers Nathan Brown  Child Welfare Officer Nathan Brown  Fixtures secretary/league representative Chris Page  Social Coordinator Dave Howarth  Sponsorship Coordinator Nathan Brown  Grounds Representative Gary Fisher  Press officer /Comms Coordinator Oli Bevan I would personally like to thank every one for their help and support. It is also worth noting that Nathan has put in a lot of work in recent months to support our reaccreditation under Clubmark this is not an easy job and is now all but complete. Thanks, Nath. I know Nathan is looking to stand down from his role as junior coordinator this is a key role in helping to develop the Club and one that will be difficult to follow. 7. TCC is financially sound ensuring that the Section attracts funding and sponsorship that aligns to the Sections aspirations. I will leave Dave to provide an update on our finances but I must thank Dave for all the work he has put in during the year to ensure financially the section is on a much firmer base. I would also like to thank all or sponsors for their support to the club. Especially Dave Beach, Martin Porthouse our key sponsors and Dave Price for his support in getting the Barclay’s £4£ money. 8. TCC has an exemplary disciplinary record playing to the spirit as well as the rules of cricket. I am pleased to report that despite some close calls for the second season running Chris has made it through the season without even a one match ban. But seriously our behaviours on