Berkshire CCC Partnership Records

Highest Partnerships vs Monmouthshire Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year H.F.M.Morres & F.E.Rowe 101 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1902 H.L.Lewis & H.E.Dollery 80 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1932 H.L.Lewis & H.E.Dollery 73 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1932 R.J.F.Remnant & H.L.Lewis 69 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1933 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year H.E.Dollery & J.H.Human 155* v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1932 H.L.Lewis & D.W.Stokes 153 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1933 H.L.Lewis & L.D.Sears 127 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1934 F.E.Rowe & J.A.Gigg 92 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1902 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year H.L.Lewis & R.H.Human 95 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1934 H.E.Dollery & N.Pulley 89 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1932 D.Mercer & J.A.Gibb 51 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1901 E.A.Watts & F.G.Strange 49 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1903 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year F.M.Ingram & A.Henderson 95 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1901 E.A.Watts & E.D.Matthews 83 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1904 H.L.Lewis & N.Pulley 55 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1932 G.G.M.Bennett & S.V.Shea 54 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1905 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year R.H.Human & R.R.Relf 100 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1933 H.L.Lewis & R.R.Relf 71 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1933 W.Cave & C.Y.Nepean 52 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1903 N.Pulley & R.R.Relf 21 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1932 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year C.E.Brown & W.Cave 104 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1902 G.F.Strange & W.Cave 50 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1904 S.V.Shea & C.E.M.Y.Nepean 48 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1905 J.H.Human & P.F.Remnant 45 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1934 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year E.A.Watts & W.Cave 75 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1902 A.Henderson & E.A.Watts 32 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1901 R.R.Relf & D.W.Stokes 22 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1932 v Monmouthshire Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year J.H.Human & C.W.Mole 44 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1934 v Monmouthshire v Monmouthshire v Monmouthshire Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year W.Y.Woodburn & C.W.Mole 42 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1933 E.A.Watts & J.C.Hunter 31 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1902 E.A.Watts & A.B.Croom 24 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1901 J.H.Human & N.W.Harding 13 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1934 Partners Runs Opposition Ground Year W.Y.Woodburn & C.F.S.Buckley 43* v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1933 G.F.Strange & W.Barker 34 v Monmouthshire Rodney Parade Newport 1903 E.A.Watts & W.Barker 20 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1902 J.H.Human & W.Y.Woodburn 13 v Monmouthshire Kensington Rd Reading 1934 Highest partnership for the 7th wicket Highest partnership for the 8th wicket Highest partnership for the 9th wicket Highest partnership for the 10th wicket Highest partnership for the 1st wicket Highest partnership for the 2nd wicket Highest partnership for the 3rd wicket Highest partnership for the 4th wicket Highest partnership for the 5th wicket Highest partnership for the 6th wicket