Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

130 (xii) Matches delayed at the start: Where ‘overs per team’ exceeds five times ‘overs per bowler’ the required number of bowlers may each bowl one extra over. (xiii) Matches interrupted after the start: a) If a match is interrupted during the first innings, and unless the batting side is dismissed, the innings shall end 1 hour 15 minutes after the start of play, or on completion of the over in progress at that time, and a maximum of the same number of overs shall be bowled in the second innings. b) If a match is interrupted during the second innings, and unless a result is achieved earlier, the innings shall end 1 hour 15 minutes after the start of the innings, or on completion of the over in progress at that time. c) When such interruption prevents a minimum 10 overs being bowled in an innings additional time may be taken, with the agreement of both captains, to enable 10 overs to be completed. There shall be no reduction in the maximum overs per bowler in a match interrupted after the start. (xiv) If a match remains unfinished the winner will be the side that has scored the fastest in runs per over throughout the innings (provided that at least 10 overs have been bowled in each innings). In the event of the side batting first being all out, or declaring their innings closed before their full quota of overs, the calculation of their average run rate will be on the full quota of overs to which they would have been entitled. If the scoring rate is the same the side losing the lesser number of wickets in the first ten overs in each innings will be the winner. In the event of no decision being reached the match will be a No Result. 7. Match Administration (i) The home club shall notify the result of the match by telephone and submit a result sheet in accordance with League Rule 2.7. (ii) Any collection, raffle etc, will be the sole concern of the club staging the match. Minutes lost before start 15 30 45 60 75 or more Overs lost 4 8 12 16 20 Overs left 36 32 28 24 20 Overs per team 18 16 14 12 10 Max. overs per bowler 3 3 3 2 2