Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

26 RULES Vertical black lines denote Rule changes. Italics denote Rules which apply to the Championship League. 1. 1. CONSTITUTION AND MEMBERSHIP 1.1 Membership (i) This combination shall be known as the Bassetlaw and District Cricket League. (ii) Each club shall be affiliated to the England & Wales Cricket Board through a County Board. (iii) (a) The teams in membership shall be organised into an appropriate number of Divisions. No club shall have more than one team in any Division except the lowest. (b) Two teams from the same club shall not exchange Divisions. (iv) Applications from clubs desiring admission to the League must be in writing and received by the League Secretary by the last day in March in the year preceding that in which they wish to take part. Before a club is accepted into the League the Management Committee will need to be satisfied with its status, facilities, and ability to provide active umpires as per Rule 6.4. The Management Committee will decide to which Division of the League an applicant club will be admitted having considered the above criteria. (v) Clubs wishing to resign from the League or any Division of the League shall give notice in writing to the League Secretary by the last day in September, otherwise they shall be fined the current year’s subscription. (vi) The Management Committee reserves the right to ask any club to resign if, in its opinion, the general conduct or appointments of such a club do not satisfy the requirements of the League. Fourteen days’ notice of a complaint must be given in writing to the secretary of the club affected. (vii) Any club ceasing to be a member of the League shall at once forfeit any rights to participate in the assets of the League. 1.2 Finance (i) The entrance fee for any newly admitted team shall be £30.00. (ii) The subscription from each club shall be £25.00 per team per annum to be paid not later than 31st May in any year. Any club failing to comply with this rule shall be fined £5.00 for the first month, or part of the month, after this date, and £20.00 for every month, or part of a month, thereafter that the subscription remains unpaid.. (iii) Any club promoted to a Premier League who have no other team within this League shall pay an affiliation fee of £10.00 per annum which will entitle them to all rights of membership other than a vote at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting, or representation on the Management Committee.