Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

27 (iv) If the income from subscriptions is insufficient to meet League expenses, a further levy may be made on each club. (v) The funds of the League shall be dealt with by and through an account with a bank in the name of the League. Cheques may be drawn on two signatures. The Chairman, Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer shall be authorised signatories. (vi) The financial year shall end on 30th September, after which the accounts shall be inspected by an Honorary Independent Examiner who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. (vii) Honoraria, if any, to be paid to any individuals shall be agreed annually by the Management Committee. 1.3 Officers (i) The Officers of the League shall consist of The President, Vice- President, Chairman, Hon. Treasurer, Hon. Independent Examiner, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Fixture Secretary, and Hon. Umpires’ Appointments Secretary, all of whom, with the exception of the President and Vice-President, shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. (ii) The President and Vice-President shall be elected by the Management Committee and during the year of office and for one year thereafter shall be entitled to serve on the Management Committee. (iii) Hon. Life Members and Hon. Life Vice-Presidents may be elected by the Management Committee in recognition of past services to the League, the former being entitled to attend meetings of the Management Committee. (iv) The League Statisticians, a Press Officer, and an Advertising Secretary, shall be appointed by the Management Committee from its own elected members or by co-opting non-voting officers. 1.4 Management Committee (i) The League shall be governed by a Management Committee consisting of the officers named in rules 1.3(i) and (iii) and thirteen representatives from all clubs in the league who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. One representative of the Bassetlaw and District Umpires’ Association, appointed by that Association, shall serve on this Committee. (ii) Not more than one representative from any one club shall serve on this committee, with the exception of the officers named in rules 1.3(i) and (iii). (iii) Nine members shall form a quorum. (iv) At least four clear days’ notice of such meetings shall be given. (v) Members of this Committee shall not be allowed to vote on questions arising out of matters in which their clubs are concerned. (vi) Travelling expenses of members of this Committee shall be paid by the League. (vii) Any member of the Management Committee failing to attend two