Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

28 consecutive meetings without reasonable cause or excuse shall forfeit his seat which shall be filled by the committee at the next meeting. The member so appointed shall hold office only until the next Annual General Meeting. (viii) The Management Committee may appoint such sub-committees as they may from time to time consider necessary. (ix) A Vice-Chairman shall be appointed by the Management Committee from amongst their numbers at the first committee meeting after the Annual General Meeting. (x) The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman, or if both are absent, a deputy appointed by the Committee shall preside at all Management Committee Meetings and shall have a casting vote. (xi) The decision of the Management Committee shall be final. 1.5 Annual General Meeting (i) The Annual General Meeting shall be held in November each year. (ii) Nominations of officers and members of the Management Committee must be received by the League Secretary not later than 42 clear days previous to the date of the Annual General Meeting. If the number of nominations make it necessary the election of such officers and members shall be by ballot at the Annual General Meeting. (iii) Proposals for alterations to these rules to be considered at the Annual General Meeting must be received by the League Secretary not later than 42 clear days previous to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Proposals for such alterations may also be made by the Management Committee and the Bassetlaw and District Umpires’ Association. (iv) Ten clear days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting, which will include nominations of officers and members of the Management Committee and proposals for alterations to these rules, shall be forwarded to each Club. (v) Not more than two representatives of each Member Club shall attend the Annual General Meeting, only one of whom shall be entitled to vote on all issues generally transacted at such a meeting. (vi) The President, or Immediate Past President, or if both these officers shall be absent, a deputy appointed by the meeting shall preside, and shall have a casting vote. (vii) If it is thought desirable that only certain member clubs should vote on a certain matter, this restriction shall only be permitted with the specific consent of the Annual General Meeting. (viii) Any club failing to be represented at the Annual General Meeting shall be fined £75.00.