Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

29 (ix) If after the election of the members of the Management Committee at the Annual General Meeting any alterations duly made under para. 1.5(iii) at the same Annual General Meeting affect the constitution of the Management Committee, then these alterations will take effect from the date of the next Annual General Meeting unless an Extraordinary General Meeting is called under para. 1.6 to authorise an earlier implementation. 1.6 Extraordinary General Meeting The rules applicable to the Annual General Meeting, with the exception of rule 1.5(i), shall also apply to an Extraordinary General Meeting whenever such a meeting is convened. 1.7 Rule Amendments These rules may be added to, repealed, or amended at an Annual General Meeting convened with the approval of the Management Committee provided that at least ten clear days’ notice of the proposals is given to each club. 1.8 Trophies (i) Each winning club shall be responsible for the insurance of the trophy it holds during the ensuing twelve months. Note - Clubs will be advised of the value of each trophy for insurance purposes. (ii) Each trophy must be returned in clean condition to the League Secretary not later than 15th February in each year. Failure to observe this rule will render the club concerned liable to a fine of £15.00. 1.9 Return of Circulated Documents Failure by a club to return a circulated document relating to the administration of the League by the due date shall render that club liable to a fine not exceeding £5.00. 2. LEAGUE COMPETITIONS 2.1 Constitution of Divisions The constitution of the Championship League and the other Divisions of the League shall be determined by the Management Committee. 2.2 Trophies (a) (i) The following trophies shall be awarded at the end of each season where applicable:- The Worksop Guardian Cup Champions of the League