Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

31 2.4 Fixtures (i) Fixtures will be played on dates arranged by the Hon. Fixture Secretary. (ii) A club’s league fixtures will take preference over any other match. (iii) Each club shall fulfill its fixtures with teams selected on merit, subject to player availability. (iv) The Fixture Secretary will publish all League Fixtures to all clubs by a date in October each year. Clubs will be allowed up to three amendments (arranged between themselves) and returned on a proforma by the 31st October each year. Where clubs cannot agree upon a desired amendment, a submission should be made to the Management Committee, whose decision shall be final. Clubs with a 3rd Xl may be allowed additional flexibility with the consent of the Fixture Secretary. (v) Fixtures shall be made for each Saturday between late April and mid- September, plus the Spring Bank Holiday, with other Bank Holidays during the season being used as required. (vi) In exceptional circumstances the Hon. Fixture Secretary may arrange fixtures to be played on Sundays. (vii) Where, for any reason, there are more than twelve teams in a Division the clubs in that Division shall be balloted to ascertain whether each team should play each other twice, both home and away, or should fulfill a reduced programme of fixtures arranged by the Hon. Fixture Secretary. Should a ballot be tied the Management Committee shall decide on the number of fixtures to be arranged. (viii) Any request for a change of fixture must be submitted in writing to the League Secretary not less than ten days before the date of the proposed change. Such changes must have the sanction of the Management Committee who will only allow them in exceptional circumstances. (ix) The League Secretary will notify clubs of dates on which a Representative XI may be required. No player selected to play for the League in a representative match will be allowed to play in any competition within the League’s jurisdiction on the day of that match without the express permission of the Management Committee. (x) No team is granted Sunday League matches on dates which have been set aside for the “Harry Tomlins Trophy” games. (xi) Special arrangements will be made by the Management Committee if two teams from the same club are in the lowest Division. 2.5 Cancellation of Matches (i) (i) A cancellation due to adverse playing conditions may be made by the home club ONLYWITH THEAGREEMENT OF THEAWAY CLUB [Email and Text Messages should not be used]. It shall be the responsibility of the home club to inform the appointed umpires of any cancellation.