Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

34 (iii) Any infringement of this rule to be reported by the umpires to the Management Committee who will deal with the matter at their discretion. (iv) In the event of rain preventing play the whole of the pitch may [ shall ] be covered on the umpires’ instructions. 3.3 Hours of Play – General Information (i) Matches shall commence at 2.00pm in April to July, at 1.30pm in August and at 1.00pm in September [at 1.30pm in April to July, at 1.00pm in August and at 12.30pm in September]. Clubs may, if they so desire, start earlier if they mutually agree; the Umpires’ Appointments Secretary must be informed of such earlier start. (ii) There shall be an interval of 10 minutes between the innings plus 20 minutes for tea. (iii) A time limit of 2 hours 45 minutes [ 3 hours ] shall be allowed for each side to bowl 46 overs [ 50 overs ]. (iv) A variation in time of 3 1 / 2 minutes per over shall be made if more or less than 46 overs [ 50 overs ] are scheduled to be bowled. (v) Umpires shall make due time allowance for one drinks interval per innings, if taken, and for unavoidable stoppages caused by injury or other extenuating circumstances. (vi) The umpires shall record and report all overs started by the fielding side after the time allowed, and a team shall subsequently forfeit one league table point for each ‘late’ over. 3.4 Matches Not Interrupted or Delayed by Weather, Light or Unforeseen Circumstances ( i) Each match shall be a maximum of 92 overs [ 100 overs ]. (ii) The side batting first shall occupy not more than 46 overs [ 50 overs ]. (iii) If the side batting first should be dismissed or declare its innings closed before the end of its allotted number of overs, the side batting second shall have the balance of the 46 overs [ 50 overs ] not occupied by the side batting first added to its 46 overs [ 50 overs ] . An over which has been commenced at the time of dismissal or declaration shall be deemed to be complete. 3.5 Matches Delayed at the Start or Interrupted by Weather, Light or Unforeseen Circumstances (Unforeseen Circumstances does not include injury). (i) In the event of interference by weather, light or unforeseen circumstances before play starts, the umpires will deduct from the 46 overs [50 overs] of the side batting first one over for every six minutes, or part thereof, lost up to a maximum of one hour after the agreed scheduled time of start, when the side batting first may not bat for more than 36 overs [40 overs] . Both captains will be informed of the deduction. Where no play has commenced, no match shall start later than 3 hours after the scheduled start time.