Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

37 (v) Ground equipment and requirements should consist of: light and heavy rollers, wheel-on or sheet pitch covers, correct marking of pitches, re-marking of lines between innings, sawdust available. (vi) Dressing rooms should be adjacent to the playing area, lockable, clean and decorated, of suitable size (100 sq. ft. minimum), with sufficient seating, bag storage and hangers. There should be hot and cold water available, with showers sufficient to accommodate both teams. Wash hand-basins and mirrors should also be available. (vii) The umpires’ room should be separate and secure with sufficient clothes hanging facilities. (viii) Ladies’ and Gents’ toilets should be available. They should be clean, convenient and contain wash hand-basins and towels. (ix) Club facilities should comply with current Health and Food regulations in order to prepare satisfactory teas at a reasonable cost. (x) A first-aid kit and access to a telephone should be available. 3.15 Playing Conditions – Championship League (i) Wide Balls – Any ball, not being a No Ball, that passes the striker’s leg stump, irrespective of where that ball pitched, will be called and signalled a wide. It will not be a wide if the ball makes contact with the striker, his person or equipment, or the bat in hand before it passes the line of the stumps, or the ball passes between the striker and the leg stump. (ii) At the instant of delivery, a minimum of four fielders (plus the bowler and the wicket-keeper), must be within an area bounded by two semi-circles, centred on each middle stump, each with a radius of 30 yards and joined by a parallel line on each side of the pitch. It shall be marked by white plastic or rubber discs. In the event of an infringement, the square leg umpire shall call ‘no ball’ 4. INDIVIDUALAWARDS 4.1 Trophies The following trophies shall be awarded annually. The Wilfred Stocks Cup for the best batting average in the Championship League. The Jack Baddiley Cup for the best bowling average in the Championship League. The Fred Welham Cup for the best batting aggregate in the Championship League. The Getliffe Memorial Cup for the best batting average in Divisions One and Two. The Jack Sales Memorial Cup for the best bowling average in Divisions One and Two. The Mike Smedley Trophy for the best batting average in Divisions Three and Four. The Les Jackson Trophy for the best bowling average in Divisions Three and Four.