Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

38 The Bassetlaw Council Trophy for the best batting average in Divisions Five and Six. The David Mason Memorial Cup for the best bowling average in Divisions Five and Six. The George Raynes Cup for the best batting average in Divisions Seven and Eight. The Blackburn Trophy for the best bowling average in Divisions Seven and Eight. The Randall Trophy for the best batsman under the age of 21 on 1st September of the previous year. The Larwood Trophy for the best bowler under the age of 21 on 1st September of the previous year. The Elvidge Trophy for the wicket-keeper achieving the highest number of dismissals. The Gordon Mycroft Cup for the man of the match in the final of the Tomlins Trophy. The Harold Pope Trophy for the man of the match in the final of the Mallen Trophy. 4.2 Qualifications Trophies shall only be awarded to players who fulfil the following qualifications:- Batting – a minimum of 50% of the scheduled number of innings for the season and 400 runs. Bowling – a minimum of 35 wickets. For average purposes no record shall be allowed to count after the winning hit has been made. Stumps shall be drawn immediately the winning hit is made. 4.3 Averages Nominations for League average prizes must be forwarded by clubs to reach the League Secretary not later than the first of October each year. 4.4 Representative Honours When a player is selected to play for the Bassetlaw & District League in the League Cricket Conference, Rhoades’Trophy, and plays, he shall be awarded a Bassetlaw League cap to mark the occasion on the first appearance. 5. QUALIFICATIONS OF PLAYERS 5.1 Categories of Players A club shall register each of its players in one of the following sub- categories. A registration shall be effective until cancelled by the club. Category A Recreational Player. (i) a player not subject to any of the following sub categories who neither himself receives, nor any member of whose family receives, material gain, either directly or through any third