Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

39 party, for membership of a club other than appropriate sponsored equipment. (ii) a person employed by a club in any capacity, other than as a registered professional or overseas player, providing the club submits details of duties and hours for approval by the Management Committee. (iii) a player born in the United Kingdom but ordinarily resident overseas, or an overseas student undertaking a course of full time education in the U.K., subject to the provision of documentary evidence of the player's status. (iv) a player not born in the United Kingdom who has provided documentary evidence of residency in the U.K. for two consecutive years immediately prior to his registration, during which time absence from the U.K. shall not have exceeded 35 days consecutively or 70 days in total, or who has subsequently played for the club in successive seasons following residential qualification. (v) a player whose exceptional circumstances, in the opinion of the Management Committee, merits inclusion as a recreational player within the spirit of this rule. Category B Development Player. (i) a member of a County Academy aged seventeen or over on 1st September of the previous year. (ii) a player engaged by a County Club on a 'summer contract'. (iii) a cricketer registered with the E.C.B. by a First Class County Cricket Club, who played for his club for two consecutive seasons immediately prior to his First Class registration. Category C Professional or Overseas Player (i) Club Professional: a player receiving remuneration, financial inducement or benefit in any form from a club, its sponsors, its other players, or any other third party acting on the club's behalf (ii) County Professional: a player with a First Class County Cricket Club who is a Registered Cricketer with the E.C.B. and does not qualify in Category B. (iii) Ex County Professional: a cricketer who, though not currently registered with the E.C.B. by a First Class County Cricket Club, has been so registered in either of the previous two years. (iv) Overseas Player: any player aged seventeen or over on 1st September of the previous year who was not born in the United Kingdom, unless he has been resident in the U.K. for two consecutive years immediately prior to his registration, during which time absence from the U.K. shall not have exceeded 35 days consecutively or 70 days in total.