Bassetlaw and District Cricket League Handbook 2012

40 5.2 Registration of Players (i) All players aged 16 or over before 1st September of the previous year must be registered on the prescribed form (ii) Category A(i) players may be registered by letter, fax, e-mail, or telephone before they play and the registration confirmed on the prescribed form not later than three days after a player’s first match (iii) Players, other than in sub category A(i), must be registered 10 days before they play. (iv) No player who plays Saturday cricket for another club within, or outside, the Bassetlaw League, shall be eligible except a Registered Cricketer with the E.C.B. playing for a First Class County or a member of the Nottinghamshire Academy. (v) Each club may register only one Category C player at the same time. (vi) The registration of a Category C player may be cancelled., a replacement may then be registered and play 10 days after registration. (vii) The names of players registered in Category C shall be circulated to all clubs. 5.3 Availability of Players. (i) A player registered under Category B or Category C shall be eligible to play for a club's First Eleven, providing that the team plays in Division Four or above. ii) No player who has played Saturday cricket for another club, either inside or outside the Bassetlaw League, is permitted to play for a club in this League after the third Saturday in August unless a transfer is registered on or before the third Saturday in July. 5.4 Movement of Players (i) No player may play for a club if he has already played Saturday cricket for, or is registered with, another Saturday club, either inside or outside the Bassetlaw League, unless application is made to the League Registrar and League Secretary for a transfer and such application is accompanied by written evidence that his previous club agrees to the proposed transfer, with the exception of a player registered with the Nottinghamshire Academy for whom a dual registration shall apply. (ii) A transfer from a club within the Bassetlaw League must not be unreasonably withheld or the request will be dealt with by the Management Committee. (iii) A club approached by, or seeking to approach, a member of another club to move or transfer, must notify the player’s present club prior to entering into any negotiations with the player concerned. Failure by a club to comply with either, will result in a ban on registering any new players other than graduates from its own youth system, the length of the ban to be decided by the Management Committee. (iv) If any player wishes to leave a club but has no immediate plan to join another, his registration should be cancelled by the club without any